Sunday, April 20, 2008

An Obama Moment

This past week we had the opportunity to get involved with the campaign activities here in Pennsylvania. On Sunday, I went canvassing in our neighborhood. It was interesting to see the dynamics and passion of various people. Some voters were adamant that they would not support Obama and others were on the fence. We did not knock on every door only those that were uncommitted (i.e. did not have a sign in their window).

Most people were very civilized but others were not as nice. The funny thing is that we were only reminding people about the upcoming election and whether or not Senator Obama could expect their support. If it was no, we thanked them for their time and went to the next door. It was very respectful. It was also funny to see people try to avoid answering the door. This was another first time experience.

On Tuesday we were invited to stand outside a rally, wave signs, and cheer for Obama. As the event was ending we had the pleasure of being where his motorcade was going to pass by. As he drove by us he rolled down his window and waved. I think I was star struck but Zane was just as excited. The rest of the evening Zane said, “Obama waved at me”.

Eli has also joined in the Obama movement. He has added his name to his vocabulary, well sort of. When he sees an Obama sign he says “Mama”.


D said...

I didn't realize you were Democrats! Yippee!! I actually voted and caucused for Hillary here in Texas...but am ready for her to drop out now. Let's go, Obama!

The Kings said...

I haven't looked at your blog in a while, wow the boys have grown! We miss you guys!